You might not encounter Lyft vehicles in Arvin as often as you might in Los Angeles, but they’re around. A Lyft driver can take you from Arvin to LAX to get you to your flight gate on time or to an appointment with a medical specialist in Thousand Oaks. For purposes of getting home, another Lyft driver can pick you up and drive you to your front door. Those are just two of the things that make Lyft preferable over taxis in Southern California. Punctuality, the price, clean cars, and clean drivers are also desired by Lyft customers. With being a major player in transportation services in and around Arvin, there is also the risk of Arvin vehicles being involved in accidents though.
Common Causes of Lyft Accidents
Lyft passengers, other motorists, and their passengers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians can all be injured by a Lyft driver who is careless and negligent. If that happens to you or a member of your family, you’ll want to speak with us at the Rideshare Law Office as soon as you can. There’s no cost for an initial consultation, and you can get a clear picture of the legal situation you’ve been put in through no fault of your own. Here are some of the common causes of those Lyft accidents:
- Inattentive or distracted driving while using a cellular or other electronic device.
- Drowsy or fatigued driving while working a second job.
- Looking at sidewalks for an arranged customer rather than at the road ahead.
- Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or both.
- Speeding in order to get to the next customer as quickly as possible.
- Following a vehicle ahead too closely.
- Failure to yield the right-of-way or reduce speed to avoid an accident.
- Driving too fast for traffic or weather conditions.
California Insurance Regulations for Lyft Vehicles
When rideshare companies first hit California roads, their insurance coverage was abysmal. A series of tragic accidents caught the attention of the California Department of Insurance, and now, the following requirements are in effect for Lyft. They’re broken down into the following phases:
- Phase One: The driver has logged in with the Lyft computer app and is waiting to try and match with a customer who needs a ride somewhere. At this time, $50,000 per person and $100,000 per occurrence of liability insurance covers that driver.
- Phase Two: The driver has agreed to take a customer from a specific location to a destination and is now on the way to pick up that person. $1 million of liability insurance attaches as well as $1 million of uninsured and underinsured coverage.
- Phase Three: The customer is now in the Lyft vehicle. Phase Two coverage applies until such time as the customer reaches their destination and exits the vehicle. At that time, coverage reverts back to Phase One unless the driver logs out of Lyft’s app. If that driver logs out, his or her personal liability insurance coverage applies.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I bring a personal injury lawsuit against both the driver and Lyft?
Yes, but Lyft is likely to be dismissed from the lawsuit pursuant to its independent contractor agreement with the driver. Lyft’s insurance isn’t affected, though.
If I was injured in a Lyft accident as a passenger, does it matter who was at fault?
No, it doesn’t matter. Upon retaining us, we will perform a thorough investigation, and we’re going to proceed against any person or entity that we believe was at fault.
How do I file a Lyft accident claim or lawsuit in California?
While you can technically file a claim or lawsuit directly, it is not advised. Especially when a Lyft driver is involved, the process can become complex.
Call an Arvin Lyft Accident Lawyer Today
If you or a family member were injured in any type of Lyft accident, contact us at the Rideshare Law Office right away, and we can arrange for a free consultation and case review. We know that you’ll have questions, and we’re happy to answer them. Then, we’ll advise you on how we believe you should proceed. Once you retain us, we promise to begin work right away on obtaining the maximum settlement or award that you deserve. Don’t jeopardize your case by trying to proceed alone.